Geo Analysis helps in business decision-making

Google Maps Platform

Intelligence Partner develops Geo Analysis projects based on Google Geo and Google Cloud Platform technology. The goal of these projects is to obtain information about the business and the business environment and represent it on a Google map to improve decision-making and our customers’ competitiveness.

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This type of solution enables us to analyse large volumes of geo-referenced data. These data may be internal or external, superposing various layers with information obtained from multiple sources: external map services, the Cadastre, National Geographic Institute, National Institute of Statistics…

These tools are aimed at offering business people (Business Managers, Expansion, Marketing, Customer Services, Operations…) the possibility to display relevant information of/for their company (population, customers, points of sale, products, location of the competition…) in a very powerful and simple manner on a Google map and with the ease of making direct geographical searches.

Being a cloud-based system, based on the latest Google technology (Google App Engine, Google Cloud SQL and Google Maps for Business API), key aspects such as usability, scalability and the ability to adapt to changes are guaranteed. Below is the basic architecture of this solution.

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