Make the most of Google Maps’ new simplified generation of mapping services

Google Maps Platform

Google Maps has just announced a major update of its services. This will undoubtedly help promote innovation and will change and simplify the relationship with those of us who design business solutions based on its digital mapping services.

Google Maps Platform

This is the greatest innovation of its interface through APIs since the launch of its APIs in 2005, 13 years ago. From now on, the 18 APIs will be grouped into three blocks: Maps, Routes and Places.

The APIs are designed to work together to provide the basic components needed to create applications and experiences based on geolocation. Their goal is simplicity, user-friendliness, and scalability to provide growth opportunities for multiple businesses.

According to Google, the updates will not require changes to the existing code and they can now be integrated into the Google Cloud Platform Console. This will improve how their usage is monitored, enhance project administration, and help discover innovative cloud-based products.

At the end of the day, their maps have already been integrated into a host of third-party services and products. At Intelligence Partner, as we have been doing for the last few years, we offer the experience of our expert Google Maps programmers to design applications, solve problems and provide ideas that lead to the innovation of existing applications by using the APIs and their functions.

New sector-specific solutions

Google’s idea is to launch industry-specific solutions centred on Google Maps. They have started with video games with an attractive video demonstration, which illustrates what a new generation of games based on real-world maps can look like. As mentioned in this video: perhaps we will soon be playing Grand Theft Auto in the city and environment of our choice. Although the creators of the video game have built stunning virtual spaces, the new Google Maps service will greatly simplify the building of new virtual realities or augmented reality.

For now, video game developers (and all of us, of course) will have access to a model of the world with accurate and permanently updated details that could become the basis for gaming scenarios. This can be seen in the inclusion of more than 100 million 3D buildings, roads, monuments and parks from more than 200 countries that can be used to offer players far more attractive entertainment experiences throughout the world.

Another attractive field is shared travel companies, or asset tracking, as this will help businesses improve their efficiency by locating vehicles or other assets on the move and in real time, as well as providing proof of where they have travelled, or when preparing more complicated routes.

And all this can be achieved without worrying about response times, with the ability to scale on demand, and the peace of mind that comes with the knowledge that the solution will always work.

A simplified price policy 

To simplify access to all their main APIs, they have merged their Standard and Premium Plans. This results in a price plan based on a pay per use system. With the Google Maps Platform, businesses will have free credit for the first $200 of monthly usage.

With this new price plan, you only pay for the services you use each month, without any advance payments, annual permanence, usage limitations, or penalties. They are also implementing a free help desk service for all.

In addition, at Intelligence Partner we shall continue to provide our customers with Technical Assistance. If you want more information about all these changes and how they will be able to improve your ability to create solutions based on geolocation, please do not hesitate to contact us; we are here to guide you in the right direction.

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