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Business Intelligence


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Looker is a unified platform for business intelligence, data applications and integrated analysis.

Looker makes data-based decision making available throughout all levels of the business. It is an advanced analytics platform that defines business metrics on all data sources in a unique and consistent manner, thereby creating one single-source truth.

Advanced analytics within everyone’s reach

Looker creates a new type of data experience that allows you to do away with waiting for reports and having limited access to just some subsets of data. Looker offers a view of the whole data warehouse (with granular permissions) and the ability to search, filter and drill down with just one click.

Maximises tasks for data teams

With Looker, the data teams can create a platform so that the whole organisation can search the data for themselves, and thereby data teams can dedicate their time to more complex analyses and creating centralised definitions for the organisation.

All data directly available from its source

Looker gives all users the ability to jump tables and views, from high level to row level. It works 100% within the database, so the results originate from just one source in real time. Its in-base architecture means that it doesn’t require calibration, setting parameters, servers or intermediate storage, thereby the data is always available.

Looker adapts to your preferences

Looker is a multi-cloud tool which adapts to your database and your workflow

Your database

Apart from BigQuery, Looker connects with Redshift, Snowflake and with over 50 SQL compatible dialects. In this way, it can be connected to many databases and maintain multiple cloud environments. 

Choose your cloud

Looker allows hosting on public clouds, such as AWS and GCP, as well as multi-cloud and hybrid environments by adapting itself to the preferences of each company without compromising transparency, security or privacy, and allowing compliance with all GDPR requirements.

Choose your workflow

Personalised applications, integrated views, work flows, etc. to guarantee that the submission of data and analysis is made securely and to the appropriate persons and departments.